The Ever-Evolving PAX
I generally like Vice, but this article is a little overly sensationalist, as if the lack of diversity is somehow PAX’s or the attendee’s fault and not just a symptom of American society’s problems. That being said, the article had one really potent quote below.

Late Night Gamers Podcast Episode 70 “Happy St PAXtricks Day”!
Settle in and enjoy a Guinness with the gang as they discuss everything from PAX East this year including software, hardware, parties, and swag…Nintendo gets “smarter” and brings games to smartphones…the Power Rangers franchise gets a gritty fan film that we want more of…Battlefield Hardline

Destiny Impressions
Destiny released about three weeks ago and there have been quite a few mixed emotions. I’m going to start by saying that this is not considered a review of Bungie’s new game Destiny, as I’m not scoring it, but rather just a log of my

Are You Playing Destiny on Playstation 4?
Well then it’s about time you joined our Playstation clan, Late Nite Guardians. We know that “night” is spelled wrong, but another group of no-gooders stole the name out from under us. Thank you xXShifftyXx (@shiffty25) for creating the clan and getting a great group of

Pick Me Up!
Every gaming event that I’ve attended has required me to take a bus. In fact I will choose to take a bus every time because it’s just a hell of a lot easier. The Late Night Gamer crew has done the “driving to events” thing in

Boston Festival of Indie Games Preview
The Boston Festival of Indie Games is occurring on September 13, 2014 and we’ll be there. There are over 50 digital indie games for us to preview, but below are a few games that we are excited for: Never Alone, Upper One Games

inFAMOUS: First Light – Review
inFAMOUS: First Light is a perfect piece of standalone DLC from developer Sucker Punch which expands on the character Fetch from inFAMOUS: Second Son. For $15 I felt like I got my money’s worth with a 4-5 hour story campaign and additional challenge maps that

Welcome Fellow Sleep-Deprived Gamers!
It only took me a year to set this awful turd of a website up, so my apologies for taking so long. There are bound to be a slew of major, functionality-breaking changes ahead, but this should remain a consistent portal for news and access