Trophies: Do They Matter?


Do you care for trophies or achievements? The answer is probably no. But in some people’s minds, they might be the reason they buy the game. Personally, I love the feeling of that *ping* sound. I currently am trophy level 14 with 18 platinums. I even bought a game on the PlayStation Network that was 99ยข and only took about an hour, (And having to tap a mayo jar 10,000 times, yah I know.) to get the platinum. Do they mean anything? No not really. But is it nice to know you got 100% out of a game? Absolutely. Some people actually think they’re bad for the gaming community. They say people get distracted from the actual game, and I can see why they would say that. I have gotten caught up in the trophy hunting, than actually enjoying the game. But hey, I still love that sound.

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